Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Do It Yourself at DUKAL: Halloween 2013

With a wide offering of products, DUKAL is excited to announce our first annual Halloween Costume competition. Many employees participated with their thoughts of what products they would use to create the perfect Halloween costume:

Maggie Karl (Manager, Contract Manufacture): “I’d use the DawnMist® line of products and be “late for work”.  Pajama shorts and a button down shirt (incorrectly buttoned, obviously), shower cap on my head and toothbrush in hand, maybe half a leg of shaving cream if I’m feeling a little risky?  Plus a good assortment of DUKAL Adhesive Strips to cover up all the nicks and cuts I (always) get from rushing!”

Christen Doughty (Accounts Payable and Payroll Manager) would be a gauze mummy using DUKAL Gauze, Bandage Rolls, Conforming Stretch Gauze, and 1 lb Cotton Roll

Eryn Marx (Marketing Assistant) would be Richard Simmons using our Resist-A-Band® line including the Exercise Bands, Band Loops, and Tubing as props

Tony Betti (Central Regional Sales Manager) would be a wheel of cheese wrapped in DUKAL gauze

Other’s made their ideas a reality:

From left to right: Rich DeJoseph (Account Executive) as Freddy Kruger OB/GYN, Matt DiClemente (Project Coordinator) as a sheep, Eryn Marx (Marketing Assistant) as a pirate, Lauren Cassandro (Accounts Payable Coordinator) as Smurfette

An in-office poll of the best costume was close between Freddy Kruger OB/GYN and the Smurfette…in the end the Smurfette received the most amount of votes, Congrats Lauren!!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Lifting With Grace

Our very own Maggie Karl (Manager of Contract Manufacture) will be participating in a great cause for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Read her thoughts below on this unique charitable event! 

When I was a sophomore in college my parents called one night with some pretty bad news.  My Mom had been diagnosed with Breast Cancer, and was starting radiation treatment immediately.  Luckily, it was caught very early, and she is now a 10 year SURVIVOR in this fight.  So this year, rather than walk in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I decided to do something that pretty much completely horrifies her, in her honor.  I’ll be participating in a Barbells for Boobs fundraiser at my Crossfit gym (Crossfit South Shore LI) this Saturday, October 19th.

Barbells for Boobs’ mission statement is to provide funding for qualified low income and uninsured women and men who need screening and/or diagnostic procedures in the prevention of Breast Cancer.  Every $80 that is raised provides a screening for someone who could otherwise not afford it.  My personal goal was to provide this screening for 5 people, and I was able to reach that goal this past weekend!  The workout most gyms will be doing is called “Grace”, which is 30 Clean and Jerks for time,( ) with a weight of 135lbs for men and 95lbs for women.  However, my sadistic and wonderful trainer has confirmed that he’s cooking up something special for us, and we’ll have to show up to find out what’s in store. 

If you’re around and interested in watching, come by any time after 9am, it’s right around the corner from the Corporate Office.  Oh, and if you’re interested in donating to this cause, my team is only about half way to their goal at the moment, though we are ranked 42nd of 813 participating gyms, which isn’t too shabby (please see below)! After I peel myself and my poor mother off the ground (me from exhaustion, her from having to watch me do this to myself) I’ll post pictures and an update.  Is anyone else fundraising this month?  Let’s hear about it!