Friday, November 6, 2009

Dukal Make A Difference Campaign

Dukal Make A Difference Campaign

By Stephen Stack 

            Early 2009 the DUKAL Marketing Team decided we wanted to make a difference in the world not only in a business sense but overall. We all decided that we wanted to start giving back so we held various meetings to narrow down charities we wanted to help this year. Once we narrowed it down we opened it up to the whole company and got a huge response!  We broke up into teams and started to plan which events we would be participating in.

            It’s getting towards the end of the year and so far the campaign has been very successful! We were able to raise more then our target donations for both the AHRC and Breast Cancer research. Barktoberfest was a lot of fun to be a part of to promote the adoption of all the pets at the Brookhaven Animal Shelter. We were also able to donate over five pallets of our product and clothing to the Christian Appalachian Project.
 With the Donate a Phone, Soup Kitchen, and Toys for Tots still to go I’m very optimistic that we’ll succeed in making a difference and I’ve found it’s been a lot of fun to give time and donate to these charities. It feels good and at the end of the day and it’s really not a big sacrifice to give up a little for a good cause because the reward of giving is always bigger then what you give.
I think I can speak for all of DUKAL saying every second spent planning this campaign has been worth it and I can only see the DUKAL Make A Difference Campaign growing from here.

If you’d like more information on the DUKAL Make A Difference Campaign please visit.